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Welcome to our website, dedicated to our passion for Italian Greyhounds. The Lupavaro website does not want to be just the website of a breeder, which limits itself to using the internet to sell puppies, but rather a square, a space where you can meet fans of the breed and spend, albeit virtually, some time together, reading articles and anecdotes about the breed or, simply, look at the photos and imagine what life would be like with an IG A bit of History Il Piccolo Levriero Italiano, often cited also with the abbreviation “PLI” or “IG” (Italian Greyhound), is the smallest member of FCI group 10, that is the group of Sighthounds. It is a very ancient breed, already present in the pharaonic courts of ancient Egypt. From about the V°th century BC, it arrived in Italy where it was soon appreciated in the court of the nobles. It would be easy to think that this slender-looking dog is just a delicate lap dog but be wary of this appearance. Actually the Piccolo Levriero Italiano is a very active dog who gladly accompanies his human friend in everyday activities. Our PLI love to travel by car, run on the beach, walk and be admired by people in the city, dig holes in the garden (to make a mole envious), watch over the herd of buffaloes of my mother-in-law’s neighbor and so on. has more metta.
Are they affectionate?
The IG is a dog extremely attached to his human friend, that loves climbing up, giving passionate kisses (they have an exceptional aim…!). They love heat and if you really don’t want them to sleep in your bed (they sleep strictly UNDER the duvet and strangely never suffocate…), put some fleece blankets or a duvet in their basket, they will appreciate it very much. To this I would add the discussion on the physiological needs of the dog: it is often said that this breed is not easy to educate to cleanliness and that they will always tend to get dirty in the house. Physiologically they have a more accelerated metabolism in comparison to the larger breeds and for this reason they are unable to restrain themselves for many hours as large dogs do.
Italian Greyhounds and weather
Secondly, they hate going out when it rains or is very cold; they would much prefer to stay warm in the kennel and manage very well to pity the human friend; in fact, despite having been put on the new coat, the human friend sees his poor creature all trembling and who does not seem to have any intention of peeing or poo and so (for the sake of the poor little one ….) he goes back home very soon , where the little monster will be happy to free himself immediately on the new carpet of your living room and then go away happy and wagging his tail (and not at all shaky!) If you decide to take a piccolo levriero italiano it is not recommended to leave it alone for many hours a day; they are very sensitive, they hate loneliness and are able to “get sick of melancholy” as well as punish you with piles and ponds scattered throughout the house for having left it all alone for the whole day.
The character
Characteristically, the PLI are adorable. They become your shadow and in practice they live for you, for your every look, for your every caress. They do it without losing their elegant greyhound dignity. They love YOU and don’t wag their tails on the first come. The little Italian Greyhounds thus create a beautiful, close and confidential relationship with their human friend. On our site you will find many articles, including an entire article dedicated to character of the PLI.
It is worth taking a look at the articles, also to know the history of these dogs and, why not, also read the 10 reasons not to choose an Italian Greyhound or “the things you’ve been not always told”. An article written with a smile, but I guarantee, that it’s all true!