S tandard - Ratified by enci - Italian National Dog-loving Body
Il Piccolo Levriero Italiano
Country of origin Italy
Racing dog use
FC Classification: Group X: Greyhounds
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Piccolo Levriero Italiano it descends from the smaller greyhounds present in ancient Egypt and in the pharaonic courts. Through Laconia, of which representations on many vessels and craters give ample testimony, it has reached Italy since the fifth century BC. Its greatest development dates back to the Renaissance, in the courts of the nobles, it is therefore not rare to find it represented in the paintings of the greatest Italian and foreign masters.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Dolicomorph whose trunk is in the square. Its shapes apparently recall those of the Greyhound and especially of the Sloughi, exaggerating the finesse and elegance of the lines. Movements and polite positions make it a model of grace and distinction.
Important proportions. Height at the withers for males and females alike. Minimum 32 cm Maximum 38 cm Maximum weight Kg 5.
BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT: reserved affectionate lively.
HEAD: Dolichocephalic, its length can reach 40% of the height at the withers.
Cranial region. Flat skull with craniofacial axes parallel to each other. The length of the skull is equal to half of the total length of the head and its side walls are slightly rounded. The frontal sinuses developed in a transverse direction; superciliary arches well defined, occipital crest not very salient and slightly marked forehead suture.
STOP: Nasal-frontal depression very little (softly) marked.
Facial region :
TRUFFLE: On the straight line of the nasal bridge and protruding on the anterior face of the muzzle. Well opened nostrils, dark pigmentation, preferably black.
NASAL CANE: Straight. Its width should not exceed 1/3 of its length.
Muzzle: The lateral faces of the muzzle are convergent, therefore the muzzle is pointed. The upper lips are very short and the lip margins are well pigmented in dark. The dry cheeks. The elongated jaw is robust in relation to the size. The lower lateral profile of the muzzle is given by the mandible whose branches are in a straight line for all their length. The corner of the lips does not allow the mucous membrane of the eyelet to be seen.
The suborbital reason must be well chiseled, highlighting reliefs and hollows under a fine and very thin skin.
TEETH: Healthy and complete with implant perpendicular to the jaws; closure of the incisors by scissor.
EYE: The position of the eye is subfrontal. The eye is large (expressive) rounded, the bulb neither sunken nor protruding.
The iris must be dark in color, whatever the coat, the eyelids adhering to the eyeball, (round eyelid rim) and pigmented feed.
EAR: Set very high, small with fine cartilages. It is folded over on itself and carried back to the nape of the neck and back of the neck. Carefully, the first part is erected and the upper part held laterally horizontally "to the roof".
PROFILE: In the upper part slightly arched with abrupt insertion at the withers, in the lower part (at the level of the thyroid glands) slightly convex.
LENGTH: Equal to that of the head.
SHAPE: Truncated cone, muscular.
SKIN: Lean and free of dewlap.
TRUNK: Its length is equal to or just less than the height at the withers.
TOP LINE: Straight with (softly) arched back-lumbar region. The lumbar arch blends harmoniously with the line of the croup.
WITHERS: Quite pronounced and narrow with close shoulder blades.
BACK: Straight, well muscled with slightly convex thorax, descending to the elbows and deep.
Croup: Extending the very convex line of the loins, it is very steep, broad and muscular.
CHEST: Tight with little accentuated pectoral muscles. The handlebar of the sternum, not very evident, is located at the level of the tip of the shoulder. The profile of the sternal region determines a semicircle with a not wide chord, which may appear to be rather short.
BELLY AND HIPSI: The lower profile of the belly rises abruptly towards the side so as to make the belly very retracted. The hips of equal length to the loins must not show (above) an accentuated hollow.
CODA: Inserted at the bottom, fine even at the root it tapers to the tip. It is carried low and straight in its first half and then curves in its second. Passed between the hind limbs and pulled up towards the hip, it must overtake her slightly. Its coat is fine and shaved in every point.
Overall: well planted with lean muscles.
SHOULDER: Slightly oblique covered with clear and salient muscles.
ARM: The length is slightly greater than that of the shoulder; the scapula-humeral angle is very open and parallel to the median plane of the body.
ELBOWS: Neither protruding nor receding covered with soft and relaxed skin.
FOREARM: Very light bone dry and dry: it has a straight vertical line both in front and in profile; the carpio-cubital groove is clearly evident.
The height from the ground to the elbow slightly exceeds the distance from the elbow to the withers.
METACARPUS: It follows the vertical line of the forearm: it is lean, covered with fine skin to make the four metacarpal bones clearly visible and distinct.
Given the profile, it must be somewhat flexed.
FOOT: Almost oval in shape, small with arched and joined toes, covered with very short and dense hair. Pigmented and very little developed digital and plantar pads to determine a thin and gaunt foot.
Nails black or dark in relation to the color of the coat and to the white at the foot which is tolerated.
As a whole, upright when viewed from behind
THIGH: Long, lean and not bulky with muscles clearly divided between them. Direction well oblique from top to bottom and parallel to the median plane of the body.
LEG: Very sloping with fine bone and well visible leg channel. Its length is somewhat greater than that of the thigh.
HOCKS AND METATARSUS: The angle of the hock is closed due to the accentuated inclination of the tibia. Seen from the front as well as in profile, both hock and metatarsal must be on the vertical line of the line of the buttocks.
FOOT: Less oval than the front with arched and joined toes, little bulky and pigmented plantar pads. Nails pigmented in relation to the coat and tolerated white to the foot.
GAIT: Elastic, harmonic, high but not stepping trot. Fast and agile gallop.
PELLE: Thin, soft, close fitting in every region of the body except the elbows where it is slightly relaxed. The neck must be absolutely free of dewlap.
HAIR: Dense, smooth, silky, uniformly smooth, fine and shiny in every region of the body without the slightest hint of fringing.
COLOR: Solid color: black, gray * and isabella in all shades. White is tolerated on the chest and feet.
SIZE: males and females from 32 to 38 cm
WEIGHT: males and females maximum 5 Kg
Males must have two testicles of normal appearance and well descended into the scrotum.
Source: website of CPLI