The italian Art of Sighthound drawings

Italian Sighthound Art!

 Italian greyhound

Paola Marinangeli
Equine and dogs artist
Paintings and Portraits

We all want our dogs to live "forever", don't we?

Italian Sighthound Art!
Paola Marinangeli, world famous Italian artist, makes it possible! I have several of his designs at home, most of them inspired by my dogs, others wonderfully “fairytale”. I love the atmosphere in his art. I am proud of my "Marinangeli" here at home.If you also want a painting or a drawing inspired by your greyhounds or Arabian horses, you can get in touch with Paola! Click here to read the entire article dedicated to this all-Italian artist!

Arabian Horse Art!
A pretty Piccolo Levriero Italiano designed by Paola Marinangeli

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Italian Sighthound Art! We all want our dogs to live “forever”, isn't it? Paola Marinangeli, italian artist makes this possible! I have several of her drawings at home, most of them inspired to my dogs, others "fairy". I love the atmosphere in her art. If you want a painting or drawing inspired to your dogs, you can get in touch with her! Click here to read the entire article 

Paola Marinangeli
Equine and dogs artist
Paintings and Portraits

Arabian Horse Art!

Author: Valeria Lupavaro

Certified dog trainer ENCI dog trainer See all articles by Valeria Lupavaro

2 thoughts on "The italian Art of Italian Sighthound drawings"

  1. Thank you Valeria for appreciating my art and my passion for our magnificent breed so much.

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