The Rainbow Bridge

Forever loved and never forgotten:
Rest now my little ones. We will meet again, I promise you! Wait for me there.
When I cross Rainbow Bridge too, I know you'll be there waiting for me. 

It is not easy for me to publish This Page but I can't not do it. On the Rainbow Bridge page we honor the memory of those who have been part of our family for many years. They will continue to live in our hearts, sometimes it still seems to see them, on the sofa, in the bed, in their favorite places. He still seems to smell them, the velvet of their coats. That lump in my throat, when I think of them, will never go away. Each of them shines differently in our hearts, all different but all the same in the intensity of the love they have given and received.

The Rainbow Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge
Dedicated to the memory of Gertrud Müller
When an animal that has been particularly close to someone dies, they go to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills there for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is a lot of food, water and the sun is shining and our friends are comfortable and warm. All the animals that were sick or old regain their health and vigor, as well as those who were harmed or injured have recovered themselves, just as we remember them in our dreams of times and days now past. 

Animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they all miss someone very special they had to leave behind. Everyone runs and plays together but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks to the horizon. His sparkling eyes are alert, his agile body quivers. Suddenly he starts running out of the group, flying over the green grass; his legs push him faster and faster.

You have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, everything is joy and you will never be apart again. The rain of happy kisses on your face, your hands caressing your beloved little head again, you who can still look into the sincere eyes of your pet who had been out of your life for so long but who had never been absent from your heart .



With him began our journey into the world of the Little Italian Greyhounds. Of course, he was "out" in Italy because of the white spots that were too large for him Italian standard. In the Pedigree of him we find Dairylane Moody Blue, (UK hereinafter exported to Holland) who was the last puppy raised by Annette Oliver's Kennel Dairylane before retiring from the kennel.
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Talata Zahra "Das Fridachen"
That bad evil took you away unexpectedly.
Kind soul, I miss you more every day.
If only I could still have you still here with me.

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Rextime Mister Magoo "Nemo"
There will never be a clown cat like you again.

King of Winston My “Bolero"

Bolero & Valeria

I have already posted mine witness on the adoption of my beloved Bolero in the "adoptions" section.

Bolero was a special dog for me. A gentle and very affectionate giant, he quickly learned to move in that world, unknown to him, which we call "home". Bolero had a stroke right in front of me: I saw the huge Greyhound bang its head against doors and walls, out of control, a crazy splinter. I remember how with the weight of my body I was able to make him lie down. He stood there, motionless, not a moan, no attempt to get up, he kept his eyes fixed on me begging for help. The Vet arrived shortly after, meanwhile I had spread Bolero on a fleece blanket. I remember very well that it was white with red roses on it. The stroke had been devastating: Bolero was completely paralyzed, even his esophagus was. The Vet told me that he would no longer be able to feed himself. It was necessary to decide. I don't know if you've ever had to decide on the life and death of your best friend. I wanted to fight for him, I didn't want to let him die, selfishly I didn't want to let him go but the Vet said it would only be cruel to let him die like this, slowly.
I asked for the dog to be sedated before the lethal injection. I wrapped him in that blanket with the red roses, her favorite. I asked God not to make him suffer. Bolero died in my arms, I held him close to me, I felt life go out of him and that body so warm and familiar become as cold as marble. I was petrified, sitting on the ground with the dead dog in my arms with tears bathing its soft fur. Hours later they had to tear me away from you almost by force.
I miss you terribly. Your mom

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