Puppies and socialization
Puppies and socialization. It is important to us that kittens also come into contact with other breeds and cats. Our puppies grow up together with Rescue dogs, they get used to the presence of dogs of other breeds / sizes from an early age. Lots of sun, lots of movement and even the fights between puppies, ensure that everyone grows in the best way, socializing with other breeds and putting on excellent muscles. In the group, the puppies first learn the "canine" language, which is important to avoid "misunderstandings" in their future life. Puppy socialization is very important for the Piccolo Levriero Italiano. It serves not to misunderstand and not to be misunderstood, once he is an adult. A dog that understands well above all OWN language, will be able to read properly the signsgiven by other dogs and behave accordingly. This is one of the reasons, why we do not give away our puppies before 3 months of life ( XNUMX weeks , if the new family lives abroad), so that socialization can be crossed , that is, with both the canine and the human pack and of course the external environment, exploring the world during our walks on a leash, naturally after the necessary vaccinations.
And when can they “move” to the new family?
Please don't ask me to give you a puppy after 60 days, only because ENCI would allows that. We would never make our little ones lose, what was described in the previous paragraph. We do not give drugs to the nursing mothers, our girls are free to breastfeed their puppies as long as they want. Nature always follows its course, and the weaning process will be gradual and in a completely natural way.Our puppies are never be physically separated from their mothers. The female chooses autonomously when to get away and take some "time off", she always has places "unreachable for the "little monsters", so she can relax, when she wants or eat a treat without nasty "intruders"
Puppies and socialization, Breeding Lupavaro
Small Italian Greyhounds since 2006
Our talian Greyhound puppies also start learning to go on a leash, relaxed and in the company of their mother and siblings. We give each puppy its own tailormade collar and leash, , in addition to the cover with the smell of mother and siblings. They will soon learn to trust the new family too, but don't expect them to follow you from day one: you have been waiting for the arrival of the puppy for weeks and you have already loved him for a long time. The puppy doesn't know this! To him you will be, initially, simply strangers. Therefore it takes patience to make sure that the little one trusts you. In order to avoid stress for the dog and the family, we advise you to equip yourselves, initially, with a soft one pettorina anti-escape (double H) and a greyhound collar that fits to measure.
Author: Valeria Lupavaro
Certified dog trainer ENCI dog trainer www.dogsittercampana.it See all articles by Valeria Lupavaro