Italian Greyhounds: what about character?

Welcome to the Lupavaro's website Lupavaro.

This site is dedicated to our immense passion for Italian Greyhounds.

I am often asked: "what character do they have?" Our site does not want to be the usual site made up only of puppies, and photos in Expo but we want to share with you our great passion for Piccolo Levriero Italiano, describe in our articles the thousand aspects of these dogs and help you understand if this breed is really for you.
Read more "Little Italian Greyhounds: how they are temperamentally"

Are you also looking for "Something beautiful"?

Robert PellicoIl book by Roberto Pellico, exceptional person and with a sensitivity that goes straight to the heart, is the one for you!

Indeed, I advise you not only to read it, but to give it to loved ones as a gift.

In this hectic world, where it seems that people are no longer able to open a book, due to smartphones, treat yourself to this pampering that will make you reflect and move. 
   Paper                        Kindle     

Read more "Are you also looking for" Something beautiful "?"

How to trim your dog's nails

How to trim your dog's nails
Il Piccolo Levriero Italiano and the "question" of nail cutting

Anyone who lives with an Italian Greyhound knows: how long these nails grow and cutting your dog's nails often becomes a nightmare! Just skip even just a few sessions of "pedicure" and voila, the dog's nails lengthen and consequently the blood vessel inside them also lengthens, making it practically impossible to keep the nails nicely short!


Battery-powered nail file

Read more "Cutting the dog's nails"

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