10 reasons NOT to choose an Italian Greyhound
You are looking for the "ideal" dog for you and your family and the Italian Greyhound has fascinated you, right? Maybe you weren't aware of the fact that t such a small size of sighthound really exists. You can't get these Italian Greyhounds out of your mind and you already started, doing some research on the breed. Of course, the Italian Greyhound has a short silky, shiny coat, you read said that the coat does not shed at all , and that they are "hypoallergenic". Could it be true? It is also said that such a small and elegant dog is easy to manage and is ideal in an apartment because it is a very clean breed. Is that true? GDo you see yourself comfortable on the sofa with the greyhound at your feet? Dream or reality? Find out for yourself by reading the following 10 reasons not to choose an Italian Greyhound"
1) If you want a dog to keep "outdoors", on a terrace, balcony or in the garden when you are at work or not at home, immense an italian greyhound! (actually I suggest you not to take any dog, if you want him to live outside!) Italian Greyhounds (IG) have only very little body fat. They do not have a suitable fur, for a life outdoors. Even with an "adequate" dog house, an IG would suffer terribly from being confined outside in the garden. They are sensitive little fellows, very attached to the human members of the family: they would get sad and depressed, if they don't have a lot of time to spend with their people. The IG is a dog that MUST live in the family, in close contact with us, only in this way your IG will it be a truly happy dog.

3) If you are extremely picky in your home environment, think twice about getting an PLI. A Piccolo Levriero ItalianoCompared to other breeds, it may be more difficult to teach cleanliness at home, especially if it has decided to "punish" you. When they feel neglected, they can become world champions in pee and poop challenges and there is only a very small chance that your new white carpet or beautiful curtains, which flow softly to the floor, will escape unscathed. This applies to both males and females. Even "already well-behaved" adults can have occasional and sudden "memory lapses", especially if it is cold and/or raining outside. If the idea sends you into apocalypse, think long and hard before bringing home a PLI puppy. There are breeds that would rather break out than dirty the floor of the house, but the PLI is definitely not among the top spots on the list of these breeds! Issues of "unsuccessful cleaning education" are the number one reason people in America bring PLI to kennels. In the USA there are in fact innumerable Rescue associations for Italian Greyhounds that families, after the initial enthusiasm, no longer want.
4) If you have babies or small children, an italian greyhound may or may not be a good choice for you. This is for several reasons. If there are small children in the house, crawling and putting everything in their mouths, the pee issue could really be something to consider. Children are also often clumsy in their movements and can easily injure the Italian Greyhound by trying to pull him up by the legs or knock him over. Accidently or not: A broken leg always remains a broken leg, and it is also quite expensive and challenging to care for a fractured leg. IGs are usually better managed, in a home with slightly older children. Italian Greyhounds NOT Babysitters (well. no dog should be used as a babysitter!!) and generally an IG does not tolerate violent and noisy games. His sweet and gentle nature, always makes him a bit of a victim and must therefore be protected properly.
5) If you have visions of yourself, sitting comfortably in your chair, with the dog curled up in its own dog bed, at your feet,I must delude you: NOT it will absolutely be so! The Piccolo Levriero Italiano he is extremely affectionate and wants close physical contact with his family. It is much more likely that you will find your greyhound in your lap rather than at your feet! Likewise, if the idea of a dog on beds and sofas gives you hives, you should probably turn to another breed. While, on the one hand, I am sure that an PLI could also be taught to stay off beds and sofas, I am equally sure that the greyhound in question would be quite unhappy about this choice! In addition, the Little Italian Greyhounds want to ALWAYS be with you. This means that they will continually ask for your attention, often scratching with their paws, until they get the attention they want. The habit of "scratching" to get attention could be "unpleasant", especially in the summer when we are bare legs and arms. In addition to a Piccolo Levriero Italiano it doesn't matter in the least that you're sleeping. He will have no mercy and will not have the slightest problem of wiping your face if he wants to go from A to B or he will try to wake you up by scratching your face. Who has an PLI knows what he means and generally sleeps in "strategic" positions. although these goblins are discreet and sometimes even shy towards strangers, I guarantee you that in their own home and with their family they are anything but discreet.
6) If you are looking for a dog to walk off leash I implore you to think carefully about how an IG, or any other sighthound, tends to have a very high predatory rate. They literally "take off" at the sight of small animals, as running cats, squirrels, or rabbits! During their hunt they become "blind and deaf" and often any call is useless! Italian Greyhounds, and many other seighthounds, were hit by cars because their owner was convinced they would NEVER run away like that. The refrain is all too common: "But he was so attached to me, I never thought he would leave my side ...", "I had done this a million times and he had never done anything like this before!" Some IG owners (myself included) successfully go off-leash with their dogs, but only after intense training and ONLY in controlled areas. For very fearful dogs I recommend one Escape harness
7) To refer again to what is written above, in this paragraph I would like to address my friends in the United States, where "electric" barriers are often used: if you intend to use an invisible electric fence, please reconsider the idea. Greyhounds are so fast, they can make their way through the containment system before realizing the shock! A small electric shock is not enough in the face of the great temptation on the other side of the fence (a squirrel, the neighbor's cat, etc.) not to mention the fact that IGs are small dogs, and could be at the mercy of most of the big dogs that roam the Neighborhood! Even if the invisible barrier manages to contain your IG, it will NOT keep your neighbor's 45kg pit bull away!

If you've read this far, you may be wondering why anyone would still want to share their life with an italian greyhound, if all of these things are true. Well, IGs are so sweet, affectionate, sensitive, very intuitive and extraordinarily in tune with his human friend. Their fur looks like shining pure silk , they are warm and soft, they convey a sense of love and well-being, when you hold them in tour arms. When they get older, they a like humans: your best friend, your baby, you family, your everything! They get along well with most dogs as long as you pay attention to their height, although they tend to prefer the company of other IGs. Italian Greyhounds are wonderful creatures. These little fellows are like cherries: one leads to another! A true lover of Italian Greyhounds will never be without one (or two, or three ...!)

Author: Valeria Lupavaro
Certified dog trainer ENCI dog trainer www.dogsittercampana.it See all articles by Valeria Lupavaro
They are so special! ❤️
Excellent writing about this breed I've bred and shown here in USA for over 30 years. As I type there are three trying to sit in my lap and finally decided to relax in front of the fireplace.
I've finished 85 champions and am trying to preserve the breed. Right now I see IGs that look like whippets, are not refined, have no lift and reach and rear drive as they should. My kennel name is Logos Italian Greyhounds. My website is old and I do not put puppies on the internet! I would love to share stories with you and this coming spring I may be coming to Italy.
Hi Sherry,
thank you, I'm happy you like my articles. If you come to Italy let me know!
Warm regards
Dear Mrs Valeria,
some time ago I had the pleasure of contacting you for a puppy, but my son is in love with that gray coat so since you breed Isabella exclusively we turned to another breeder and today we own a PLI named Roger, beautiful for us, I wanted to thank you as in that chat on the phone and in a short time you gave us the idea of what the practical experience of living with a PLI could be and we found ourselves in everything that you had recommended to us therefore I thank you again for your passion and competence and for the love with which he transfers his life experiences into contact with this wonderful Race.
Glad I could help you 🥰
However, I am in love with these magnificent greyhounds, thanks for your article.
If I ever can I'll get one! Good day.
Thanks for the message. Kind regards!